Wendy at
On the Front Porch hosts
Small Town Snapshot Sunday. Check out the other participating bloggers on Wendy's blog, then join us and post one of your own!
Saturday was Merchants Night in our small town. We had a Sidewalk Craft Fair!

There were wonderful wooden items for sell, all handmade.

I even had a table set up to make and sell custom buttons. Here you see the Princess sitting in my chair.

Up on the other side of the street an open air eating place was set up serving BBQ.

Our local merchants along the street also had their shops open.

There was suppose to have been a bike ride, but it was cancelled due to the heat. So, I let the kids take pictures with my old camera and they got some quite interesting shots...

...Up the street at Ye Olde Bank and Antique store.

Here's PK pulling a K-Monster and mugging for a self portrait.
The Princess decorating the bikes before finding out that ride was cancelled.

The kids talking to some other bike riders.

When I was getting my things set up I made up this button to make sure all was working.

Great STSS! I was so late posting mine. Oh, I'm a slacker!
OMG...I'm still laughing at the picture of the kids sitting on the bench pulling their lips to the side! That is SO fun! Great STSS post!
What a fun day! I love those punched tin cabinets.... oh yeah, I would love to have one. Not sure where I would put it in our teeny lil house, but heck, I'd find a spot. :)
Wendy - I didn't realize that you had already posted my link in Mr Linky! So now I'm in there twice.
Alice - I love digital cameras, the kid can take as many goofy pictures as they want to. Sometimes they get some surprisingly wonderful pictures.
Oz Girl - Aren't those cabinets gorgeous?! I just HAD to get a picture of them to post. I couldn't tell you what he's asking for them, because I didn't look at the price tag. If you're really interested you could inquire about them at Ye Olde State Bank Treasures & Antique Store.
Such cute kids! Very creative!
<3 Lindsay
Sorry for the confusion on me doing your link. I just happened to notice you had done one and I wanted you to have your link up right away. I felt so bad because I was late yesterday! Anyway, I've fixed it. :)
I do my grocery shopping on Sunday (b/c I have to drive 80 miles round trip to do my big shopping) so if I don't get my post up on Saturday it has to go out when I get back from shopping on Sunday. Whew!
What a great post. I love those punched tin cabinets too. They're really nice looking. PKs close up was just so cute. Have a great night.
Hi! If only I could get my hands on those two cabinets, if only!
Kids look like their having fun. Won't be long before they're all grown up!
Just like my kids. One minute a child and the next fully grown men. The eldest is turning thirty in a couple of days and the second eldest is going to be a father, early September!
Looks like I'll be in for some babysitting soon. I can't wait!
Take Care,
Lol, love the self portrait. Those cabinets are quite cool.
Great to see everyone's comments! Sorry I wasn't able to get back and thank everyone for visiting right away, it's been a busy week. I'm glad everyone liked the cabinets, you should see them in person! :)
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