Random Acts of Living

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Day! The Garden's Planted!!

I was up fairly early this morning and the grandkids had spent the night so I asked them to come help plant the garden. Not very often do I have to ask twice, they're so wonderful about helping with the garden.
I even have small tools that make it easy for Princess Knight to help.
The Princess found a shady spot to work. She was making rows for my lettuce seeds.
Below is the main garden all planted and the sprinkler turned on.
Here's the happy gardening crew in front of the small garden. That's tater plants inside the tire towers. In back of them they planted pumpkin. Straight behind them is where the cantaloupe is planted and on the other end is the watermelon.
Here you can see the whole compost bin in the background. On the clothesline pole are my two topsy-turvy tomato planters and then there's chickenwire strung from it for my snow peas to climb.
It was a lot of hard work and I doubt that I'd have gotten it all done as quickly if I hadn't had help from the grandkids. Thank You Sadie, Seth and Alex! Hopefully we'll have plenty of wonderful things for you to eat.


Wendy said...

Wow, that's a big garden! I admire your gumption. I'm not that motivated. I tried to do one plant in a pot and didn't even manage that. Sheesh.

Moonshadow said...

This isn't the largest garden I've had in this yard. When my children were young I paid to have someone local with a small tractor turn it for me every year. I would say that this is less than one-quarter the size of the garden then. If you have room, you really should try a small garden. The main benefit being fresh vegetables. But sharing the growning process with the kids can be a lot of fun.