I had been waking up early every morning since the family reunion, but this morning the hubby woke me a half hour later than I had been waking to say that a storm was moving in. On the news I heard that 72mph winds had been clocked north of us and were coming our way so I stepped out on the front porch and pulled my potted plants back to the house where they could get some protection. Then the winds came and after they blew through this is what I found...

I had been saying that this particular tree needed to be cut down, it hadn't been looking so good. Only recently had it sprouted any green leaves...

I'm just glad that the wind that took it down blew it the direction that it did or it could've done damage to my car or my shed & house. The neighbor's fence has been in bad shape for a while. Just last week I had driven a short metal fence post in to support the post that is down in the photo below. I haven't been out to see what became of the metal post, whether it's bent or just laid over in the water soaked ground.

This flattened spot in my Day Lilies is where my Aloe plant and chairs ended up. I wasn't able to get the Aloe to safety before the storm and the chairs were suppose to be bungee'd to the metal post.

After the first round blew through the clouds looked soft and bumpy....

...later they got to looking a little more scrambled.

Is there and angry face in the clouds below?

I think the next one looks rather ominous, like there's a reptilian eye peering out.

But as every cloud is said to have a silver lining there is good to be found after storms if only you look for it. These tiny yellow flowers had their first bloom of the season after the storm.

Anita, the trees fared well in all the wind and rain!

My son brought over his chain saw, he had to go to work, but couldn't get it started. Now that the sun has come out and everything has calmed down I guess I'll go give it a try. Really hate to think of having to cut up the tree with a tree saw and axe, though I've done it before. Needs to get done one way or another. Looks like I'm going to have plenty of wood for the fire pit!
Did you see the picture I took of what your storm looked like from my house? (on the private blog)
I'm sorry you had damage - but Im glad it wasn't worse...
Anita - That was a really nice picture. Sure looked different from your angle.
I say we missed out on any real damage. The tree should've been chopped down before it had a chance to blow over.
Wow! The pictures themselves tell quite a story! I've never seen clouds quite like that ... and it look like you were very lucky in regard to your car!
Welcome, Brenda! I thought the clouds were quite interesting too. I'd thought about moving the car but the battery is dead, so yeah, I was lucky.
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