Random Acts of Living

Monday, July 19, 2010

Awww... Isn't that Sweet!

First, today is our anniversary. I had remembered this first thing in the morning when I got up, but by the time I had come in from the garden, I had forgotten. I sat down at the kitchen table with the DH and he pointed across the table to a shelf. There, hanging from a wire hoop was this...
Then my husband says, "It's your 30 year pin." One of the sweetest gifts he's ever given me. He said it had a back side too...
He had a difficult time finding a clothes pin. For some reason this one was sitting on the counter just waiting for him to use it. I think that one of nicest things one person can do for another is to just acknowledge them and confirm their place in your life.
Thank You, Love! Happy 3oth Anniversary to You Too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary! 30 years, huh? I'll be happy just to find a girlfriend.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm sure del Toro is going to do a bang up job.