Random Acts of Living

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

OR - CA 2008 / Chapter 7

More Treasures - Family History
One of the treasures that Aunt Kathy keeps in Great Grandma's trunk is her nurse's cape that she received when she became a nurse.
In the collection of treasures below on the right hands side you will see the pin that Aunt Kathy received showing that she graduated from the La Junta Mennonite School of Nursing in 1955. This is what the L.M.S.N. on the collar of her cap stands for. Their are other odds 'n ends treasures in the display below, some of them have fallen. One of particular interest is the Red Cross. The note says, "Red Cross pin worn by Aunt Ruthie during WWII. Drove Red Cross truck with Shirley Temple Black - About 1943-45"The bracelet in the bottom of the display was brought "...to Kathy in 1946 by brother Harold from mainland China after WWII." Harold being my father.


Peter said...

Hi! It's only appropriate that a nurse gets in here first. Although a male one at that. Love the nurse memorabilia.

Well done highlighting this facit of your rich family history.

Sorry I haven't been around lately as I've just got back from visiting the kids in the top end of Australia.


Moonshadow said...

Peter, I knew you'd like the nurse info. Hope you had a great time with your kids!

Unknown said...

That nurse's cloak is actually pretty stylish.

Moonshadow said...

Rene - Thanks for visiting my blog. I've always liked capes, I remember having one with an Easter outfit when I around 6 or 7 years old.