Random Acts of Living

Monday, December 5, 2016

Golden Wheat Chapter Christmas Party

The Christmas meeting of the Golden Wheat Chapter of the AHSGR began with Karen P. giving us God's Blessing. Everyone was invited to help themselves to all the wonderful snacks, sweets and punch. She shared with us a message from the Ukraine about their recent loss of religious freedoms.

Karen C. explained the cotton wrapped tree that she learned about at Round Up along with traditions that went with it.

Members shared stories about family ornaments.
Ella #1 read the Christmas gospel to us in German and then in English. Ella #2 read to us about the Christmas pickle ornament.

Then the drawings began for the door prizes.

Then it was time for our entertainment, Judy Wiebe Mace on her harp.

Judy read an audience participation story to us with a couple of the youth strumming the harp when they heard their cue.

Then who should appear! Why Santa Clause of course!

With gifts for the children.

Dennis read to us about the Volga tradition of Bells Nichols, quite different than our modern Santa. The Grand Finale was the drawing for the prizes from the fund raiser.

Another Wonderful Christmas Party for the end of 2016 
and Hopes and Prayers for 2017!