Always a wonderful assortment of good food!
Sondra had her Watkins table set up. The Golden Wheat Chapter receives a portion of her sales as one of our fund raisers.
Karen opened the meeting and reported on her trip to Salt Lake City for the Convention.
Karen presented Rachel with a Citation for her work as Village Coordinator for Village of Dreispitz.
Harold led us in singing German songs.
Dennis reported from headquarters.
Karen gave a very moving report on a new addition to our library, "Bloodlands, Europe Between Hitler and Stalin"
Harold obtained on loan a Traveling Trunk from the Kansas State Historical Society. The trunk contains an assortment of Kansas GR related materials. It was quite an interesting educational collection.
The last business of the day was to draw a winner for the painting done by Jerry Caulkins as a fund raiser for the chapter.
We were all reminded to attend the SouperSalad fund raiser on Aug 23...
For members that are interested in hearing Karens book review, the meeting is on DVD in our library.