Random Acts of Living

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Golden Wheat Chapter Picnic

Today was the annual meeting of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) Golden Wheat Chapter Picnic. With our aging population our Picnic is held indoors in the AC.
Dennis began the meeting with Greetings from our intrepid leader, Karen. She regrets being unable to attend as she is currently undergoing chemotherapy which drains her of all her energy. She thanks everyone for all the cards, thoughts & prayers.

Ella #2 then led us in prayer.

Lots of good food as always.

Our program today is group sharing. Ella #1 started us off with a reading of a poem she wrote.

Ella #2 quizzed us on items from the past, what we were old enough to remember. Remembering items always brings up memories of events from the past. From items we went to memories of "fast food" and or going out to eat.

Then on to Momma's apron and a reading by Ella #2. Many memories of everything made from flour and sugar sacks. Ella #2 shared her grandma's tea towels with her embroidery work. Pat shared two different styles of aprons. Memories of many aspects of lives past.

It was a small gathering but a lot of good sharing.

Meeting Adjourned.

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